Meet Connie

Connie is a highly qualified and experienced insurance broker and entrepreneur, dedicated to helping families, create generational wealth, and secure their financial futures. 

Since 2010, she has been empowering families through entrepreneurship and financial literacy, teaching them how to monetize their passions and build wealth. 

As the founder of the First Things First Agency, Connie works with over 40 insurance carriers to provide personalized insurance options, including term and permanent life insurance, final expenses, IULS, annuities, and medical insurance, all tailored to each client's specific needs.

Connie is committed to helping families take control of their financial future and achieve their dreams, no matter where they are in their journey. With her expert guidance and unwavering dedication, she’s helping families across the country, secure, a brighter future for themselves, and their loved ones.

Connie is helping families across the country secure a brighter future for themselves and their families exactly where they are with exactly what they have.